1) Osborne, K. J., Bernard, J. A., Gupta, T., Dean, D. J., Millman, Z., Vargas, T., Ristanovic, I., Schiffman, J., Mittal, V. A. (2016). Beat gestures and postural control in youth at ultra high risk for psychosis. Schizophrenia Research
2) Mittal, V.A., Vargas, T., Osborne, K. J., Dean, D., Gupta, T., Ristanovic, I., Hooker, C., Shankman S (2017). Exercise Treatments for Psychosis: A Review. Current Treatment Options in Psychiatry
3) Vargas, T., Dean, D., Osborne, K. J., Gupta, T., Ristanovic, I., Ozturk, S., Turner, J., van Erp, G. M., Mittal, V., (2018) Hippocampal Subregions across the Psychosis Spectrum. Schizophrenia Bulletin
4) Vargas, T., Lam, P.H., Azis, M., Osborne, K.J., Lieberman, A., Mittal, V. (2019) Childhood Trauma and Neurocognition in Adults with Psychotic Disorders: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Schizophrenia Bulletin
5) Vargas, T., Damme, K. S. F., Mittal, V. (2019) Bullying Victimization in Typically Developing and Clinical High Risk (CHR) Adolescents: A Multimodal Imaging Study. Schizophrenia Research
6) K. J. Osborne, Vargas, T., Mittal, V. (2020) Early Childhood Social Communication Deficits in Youth at Clinical High-Risk for Psychosis: Associations with Functioning and Risk. Development and Psychopathology
7) Ristanovic, I., Osborne, K. J., Vargas, T., Gupta, T., Mittal, V. A. (2020). Postural Control and Verbal and Visual Working Memory Correlates in Non-Clinical Psychosis. Neuropsychobiologia
8) Vargas, T., Damme, K.S. F., Hooker, C.I., Gupta, T., Cowan, H.R., Mittal, V.A. (2019) Differentiating Implicit and Explicit Theory of Mind and Associated Neural Networks in Youth at Clinical High Risk (CHR) for Psychosis. Schizophrenia Research
9) Vargas, T., Maloney, J., Gupta, T., Damme, K.S. F., Kelley, N. J., Mittal, V.A. (2019) Measuring Facets of Reward Sensitivity, Inhibition, and Impulse Control in Individuals with Problematic Internet Use. Psychiatry Research
10) Damme, K.S.F., Gallagher, N., Vargas, T., Osborne, K. J., Gupta, T., & Mittal, V.A. (2019) Motor Sequence Learning and Pattern Recognition in Youth at Clinical High-Risk for Psychosis. Schizophrenia Research
11) Vargas, T., Zou, D.S., Conley, R.E., Mittal, V.A. (2019) Assessing developmental environmental risk factor exposure in Clinical High Risk for psychosis individuals: preliminary results using the Individual and Structural Exposure to Stress in Psychosis-risk states scale. Journal of Clinical Medicine
12) Vargas, T., Ahmed, A.O., Strauss, G.P., Brandes, C.M., Walker, E., Gold, J., Buchanan, R., Mittal, V. (2019) The Latent Structure of Depressive Symptoms Across Clinical High Risk and Chronic Phases of Psychotic Illness. Translational Psychiatry
13) Damme, K.S., Vargas, T., Calhoun, V., Turner, J., Mittal, V.A. (2020) Global and Specific Cortical Volume Asymmetries in Individuals with Psychosis Risk Syndrome and Schizophrenia: A mixed cross-sectional and longitudinal perspective. Schizophrenia Bulletin
14) Vargas, T., Rakhshan Rouhakhtar, P. J., Schiffman, J., Zou, D.S., Rydland, K.J., Mittal, V.A. (2020) Neighborhood crime, socioeconomic status, and suspiciousness in adolescents and young adults at Clinical High Risk (CHR) for psychosis. Schizophrenia research
15) Ristanovic, I., Vargas, T., Cowan, H.R., Mittal, V.A. (2020) Consistent Exposure to Psychosocial Stressors and Progressive Intolerance to Stress in Individuals at Clinical High-Risk for Psychosis. Schizophrenia Bulletin Open
16) Vargas, T., Damme, K.S.F., Ered, A., Capizzi, R., Frosch, I., Ellman, L.M.*, Mittal, V.M.*(2021) Neuroimaging markers of risk and resiliency in Clinical High Risk (CHR) for psychosis youth: a qualitative review. Biological Psychiatry: CNNI
17) Vargas, T., Damme, K.S.F., Mittal, V.M. (2020) Neighborhood deprivation, prefrontal morphology and neurocognition in late childhood to early adolescence. Neuroimage
18) Vargas, T., Schiffman, J., Kim, A., Mittal, V.A. (2020) Using search engine data to gauge public interest in mental health, politics and violence in the context of mass shootings. PLOS one
19) Yee, C.I., Vargas, T., Mittal, V.A., Haas, C.M. (2021) Adaptability and cohesion in youth at clinical high-risk for psychosis: a multi-informant approach. Schizophrenia Research
20) Vargas, T., Damme, K.S.F., Osborne, K.J., Mittal, V.A. (2021) Differentiating kinds of systemic stressors with relation to psychotic-like experiences in late childhood and early adolescence: the stimulation, discrepancy, and deprivation model of psychosis. Clinical Psychological Science
21) Vargas, T., Mittal, V.A. (2021) Testing whether implicit emotion regulation mediates the association between discrimination and symptoms of psychopathology in late childhood: An RDoC perspective. Development and psychopathology
22) MacNeill, L. A., Allen, N. B., Poleon, R. B., Vargas, T., Osborne, K. J., Damme, K. S. F., Barch, D. M., Krogh-Jespersen, S., Nielsen, A. N., Norton, E. S., Smyser, C. D., Rogers, C. E., Luby, J. L., Mittal, V. A., & Wakschlag, L. S. (2021). Translating RDoC to real world impact in developmental psychopathology: A neurodevelopmental framework for application of mental health risk calculators. Development & Psychopathology.
23) Damme, K.S.F, Park, J., Walther, S., Vargas, T., Shankman, S., Mittal, V.A. (2021) Motor abnormalities, depression risk, and clinical course in adolescence. Biological Psychiatry Global Science Open
24) Ricard, J., Gupta, T., Vargas, T., Haase, C., Mittal, V.A. (2021) Genuine and non-genuine smiles in individuals meeting criteria for a clinical high risk syndrome. Early Intervention in Psychiatry
25) Damme, K.S.F., Park, J.S., Walther, S., Vargas, T., Shankman, S.A., Mittal, V.A. (2021) Depression and Psychosis Risk Shared Vulnerability for Motor Signs Across Development, Symptom Dimensions, and Familial Risk. Schizophrenia Bulletin
26) Lunsford Avery, J., Damme, K.S.F., Vargas, T., Sweitzer, M., Mittal, V.A. (2021) Psychotic-Like Experiences Associated with Sleep Disturbance and Brain Volumes in Youth: Findings from the Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development Study. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry Advances
27) Vargas, T.G., Mittal, V.A. (2022) Brain morphometry points to emerging patterns of psychosis, depression, and anxiety vulnerability over a two-year period in childhood. Psychological Medicine
28) Vargas, T.G., Damme, K.S.F., Mittal, V.A. (2022) Differentiating distinct and converging neural correlates of types of systemic environmental exposures. Human Brain Mapping
29) Millman, Z.B., Roemer, C., Vargas, T., Schiffman, J., Mittal, V.A., Gold, J.M. (2022) Neuropsychological performance among individuals at clinical high-risk for psychosis versus putatively low-risk peers with other psychopathology: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Schizophrenia bulletin
30) Vargas, T.G., Mittal, V.A. (2022) The Critical Roles of Early Development, Stress and Environments in the Course of Psychosis. Annual Review of Developmental Psychology
31) Ristanovic, I., Vargas, T.G., Damme, K.S.F., Mittal, V.A. (2023) Hippocampal subfields, daily stressors, and resting cortisol in individuals at clinical high-risk for psychosis. Psychoneuroendocrinology
32) Zarubin, V., Damme, K.S.F., Vargas, T., Osborne, K. J., Norton, E. S., Briggs-Gowan, M., Allen, N. B., Wakschlag, L. & Mittal, V. A. (2023). Neurodevelopmental vulnerability to psychosis: Developmentally-based methods enable detection of early life inhibitory control deficits that predict psychotic-like experiences at the transition to adolescence. Psychological Medicine
33) Damme, K.S.F., Vargas, T., Walther, S., Shankman, S., Mittal, V.A. (under review) Physical and Mental Health in Adolescence: Novel Insights from a transdiagnostic examination of FitBit data in the ABCD Study. Translational Psychiatry
34) Martinez, M., Damme, K.S.F., Stephens, J., Rompilla, D.J., Qu, Y., Yang, B., Vargas, T., Mittal, M.A., Haase, C. (under review) Peer Victimization, Social Support, and Mental Health During Early Adolescence. Psychological Medicine
1) Chen, S., Yang, B., Zhou, Z., Vargas, T.G., Santaularia, J., Adam, E., Haase, C., Qu, Y. (under review). Hippocampal Volume Moderates the Link between Racial Discrimination and Early Adolescent Depression. Clinical Psychological Science
2) Damme, K.S.F., Vargas, T.G., Bauer, J.A. (in prep). The Impact of Environmental Pollution on Neurodevelopment, Cognition, and Mental Health
3) Vargas, T.G., Rakesh, D., McLaughlin, K.A. (in prep) Associations of Neighborhood Threat and Deprivation with Psychopathology: Uncovering Neural Mechanisms.
4) Vargas, T.G., McLaughlin, K.A., Rakesh, D. (in prep) Exploring Protective Influences for Associations Between Neighborhood Adversity and Psychopathology Symptoms.
5) Vargas, T.G., Colich, N., Rakesh, D., McLaughlin, K.A. (in prep) Clarifying Associations of Threat and Deprivation with Patterns of Global Aging in Adolescence.
6) Vargas, T.G., Bollman, T., Lam, P.H., Costello, M., Schuster, R. (in prep) The Protective Role of School Staffing Patterns on Mental Health for Youth Exposed to Systemic Neighborhood Disadvantage.